So Kaitlyn's Birthday Party is next weekend and sadly I never got to blog her birthday from last year!! It was a super hectic time and at her party the camera happened to go out! So all the images are ones from people at the party or taken on an IPAD so please forgive quality but I hope you enjoy her tea party! I am so bummed we didn't have the pictures to capture it bc it was one of the best tea parties ever if I do say so myself. Lets jump right in!!
Welcome!! Miss Kaitlyn is 7!! and this wreath cost me no money!! and its beautiful!! I cut out the number seven on card board then I hot glue tea stained coffee filters to it and added a piece of lace to hang it on the door... SOOO perfect hello to this vintage tea party!
Paper Chains!! they are easy, cheap and totally beautiful! A little burlap and we have the start of a pretty little tea party table!

I am so bummed that this is blurry because this was just too cute! her theme was a strawberry tea party so there are strawberry labels, and we had yummy pizza and pasta :)
Make tea not war on your way out the back door to the tea party table
Welcome outside... get ready for overload... and a lot of wind :(
We had a movie outside later on so here is the popcorn area.
the kiddos got to make a candy necklace, They were not your ordinary ones and they were yummy!!
Sorry again for the quality.. so my husband found this amazing find earlier in the week for 20.00 this corner hutch was so perfect for all of her tea party goodies we didn't want the flies to get to!
see what I mean goodies we don't want the flies to get :) her cake was so adorable :)
The kiddos also got to decorate cupcakes :)
here is a better view of her cake, everyone asks me how in the world do you make this look like ruffles!!?? its a very simple concept just takes a lot of time and patience, its all fondant.
Lets have a tea party shall we?
My sister in law was an amazing help in setting this up and bringing along lots of her goodies!
Birthday girl and Bella having tea!! I love this Pic Thanks to my sister in law Sydney!
Gramps is such a team player!! Strawberry shortcake hat, apron and pinkies out for tea!!
Don't you just love all the dishes?? yep I do!! My brother and sister law had them at their wedding!! they were so sweet to let us use them for the party!!
a full table of boys and girls!! loved that they dressed up too! :)
ok lets move around a bit, onto the yard where the TEA P's are and the photo booth!!
My handsome brother :)
of course Cody had to dress up for his little girl :)
and birthday girl thinks dad is silly!
a few of my very favorite men :) Brother, grandpa, and daddy
of course we have to have some trampoline action!
Photo Booth Fun!
Birthday girl!
some banjo music... ya know we get down :)
and more party details from different peoples cameras.
and to top the night we end with a movie outside.. I would say birthday success for a seven year old!!