
Me & My Blog

My world changed June 1, 2009. Why is that you ask? Because of the boy named Parker. You see I had dreamed of him since I was a little girl. I had dreamed to be a mommy. I played house and pretened to be a mommy every chance I got. I grew up and that dream became reality. He came to this world 6-1-09. He was 9lbs 12oz and 22inches long. He was perfect. You see he changed my whole world. He became my world. He is now 2 years old and he literallly makes me crazy at times, but I would not trade him for one thing in the world he is more than a dream come true, he is a child of Jesus, he is fearfully and wonderfully made and God blessed me to take care of him, to teach him, to grow him, to mold him, to create a man of God for this world, My prayer is he will change the world he will grow with the light of Jesus. Because I got to become a mommy I woke up to a whole new side of creativity that was tucked down somewhere in me. I now get to plan birthday parties, I now get to decorate rooms and play dress up with my own little person. I now get to be a stay at home mommy and live out my dream and have a business where I just get to create things. So my blog is called a boy named Parker. Why you ask? bc he is my inspiration. He brought out the kid in me to color with crayons. he inspired me to be creative. he turned one and allowed me to plan a fun amazing monster birthday party. he is a little person i am sending out into the world so I wanna make sure he goes out armed with the word of Jesus. He is what I protect. This blog is inspired by him because he is the future.
My Name is Katie, I am a mommy. I am a wife. I am a CHRISTIAN. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a cousin. I am a granddaughter. I love Jesus, I am passionate about him. I want to know all I can know about him. I love to create. I love to decorate. I love to dream. I love to plan a fun party. I have big dreams. I have amazing family. I am so blessed.
I own a little business with my mom called Sparrow’s. When I say little I mean little :) we do so many fun things like photography, cakes, barn wood signs, canvas creations, fun decor for your home and more.
I created this blog for me personally to share a little light of my life with you all. Step away from Sparrow’s and get personal.

November 1, 2012 my heart exploded I had no idea there was room inside of my soul to love another human like I loved my Parker and then came Roman from the moment I held him in my arms my world grew, it became complete all the love I thought I had multiplied by a billon and I knew from that very moment nothing in this world ever made since before him. I love him more every moment and I love that I now have two little boys to hold my heart in a way only a mom can understand. They are my being and all that I am, I am for them. Meet Roman another beatufiul love of my life

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